The Simplified Home:
 A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits

Introducing the 

 Imagine finally achieving the work-life balance you've been dreaming of—coming home to a clutter-free house, meals planned and prepped, so that you can be fully present with your family. 

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TheSimplified Home:
A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits

Imagine finally achieving the work-life balance you've been dreaming of—coming home to a clutter-free house, meals planned and prepped so that you can fully be present with your family. 

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Can we be honest? As moms, do you find yourself constantly texting your best friend, complaining about the mess in your house or how you can never get ahead? Do you go to bed with a messy kitchen, knowing you'll have to clean it in the morning? Are you exhausted from all the chaos and clutter in your home? Do you feel like everything falls on you and end up calling your husband because you're so overwhelmed?

Are you thinking this is so me?

Let's be real. Do you wake up in the morning and step on Legos in the hallway? Do you go downstairs to find a pile of dishes in the sink? Or do you come home from work with bags of groceries, only to trip over shoes? Do you text your husband, saying you're too exhausted to cook and ask him to pick up dinner? Do you follow the trail of mess to find your kids?

If you're nodding along, you're not alone.

It's time to take a step back, get on track, and reduce the stress.

Join our community of moms who are transforming their lives with our The Simplified Home course and are finding a balance that works for them. It's time to stop feeling overwhelmed and start creating space to enjoy the balanced, fulfilling life you deserve. Sign up now and get empowered, reclaim your sanity and time back!

Mama you're in the right place, so let's talk.

Tell Me More

Are you thinking this is so me?

Let's be real. Do you wake up in the morning and step on Legos in the hallway? Do you go downstairs to find a pile of dishes in the sink? Or do you come home from work with bags of groceries, only to trip over shoes? Do you text your husband, saying you're too exhausted to cook and ask him to pick up dinner? Do you follow the trail of mess to find your kids?

If you're nodding along, you're not alone.

It's time to take a step back, get on track, and reduce the stress.

Join our community of moms who are transforming their lives with our The Balanced Home course and are finding the balance that works for them. It's time to stop feeling overwhelmed and start creating space to enjoy the balanced, fulfilling life you deserve. Sign up now and get empowered, reclaim your sanity and time back!

Can we be honest? As moms, do you find yourself constantly texting your best friend, complaining about the mess in your house or how you can never get ahead? Do you go to bed with a messy kitchen, knowing you'll have to clean it in the morning? Are you exhausted from all the chaos and clutter in your home? Do you feel like everything falls on you and end up calling your husband because you're so overwhelmed?

The Simplified Home:
A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits

The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits

I want in

Does this also sound familiar?

You feel like you you are failing as a mom and wife. The lack of routine and disarray in your home gives you anxiety and takes away from joy being present in your home.  

You're so stressed out and you think you need more time in your day.  So you stay up later to get more stuff done. When you know that's not the solution. You go to bed stressing about what went wrong today and already have anxiety about tomorrow?

You have mom guilt because you don't have time to spend with your kids. Or you feeling guilty because you haven't been on a date with your hubs in forever.  You know things in your home need to change. 

You're unsure where to begin? It’s more than just cleaning and organizing – it’s about empowering you to establish routines  and rhythms that fit your family and your current season of life.

At the end of the day, you crave the empowerment to create more space in your life and reclaim time in your day. You see other moms achieving this balance and long for the same, but doubt if you deserve it. Instead, you find yourself stuck in a cycle of busyness and chaos, yearning for balance and more quality time with your family. You aspire to thrive as a wife and mom.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling Guilty

Feeling Stress

Feeling of Failure

You feel like you are failing as a mom and wife, because you're constantly busy and not taking care of yourself.

You are so stressed out and you think you need more time in your day. So you stay up later to get more stuff done. When you know that's not the solution.

You have mom guilt because you don't have time to spend with your kids. Or you feeling guilty because you haven't been on a date with your hubs in forever. 

You're overwhelmed when it comes to meals and maintaining your home. You don't nowhere to start.

At the end of the day all you really want is more space in your life and time back in your day. You see other moms doing this and you want the same, but you don't think you deserve that life. Instead you keep on living the life of busyness and chaos, when all you really want is some balance in your life and more time with your family. 

Hey! Hey!I'm Billie-Jo,

As a wife, mom of three, business owner and homeschool teacher, I know what it feels like to be constantly on the go, struggling to keep your head above water. At 48, I jumped into motherhood when we adopted a set of siblings, each with ADHD, PTSD and trauma. SOOOO YES, I understand the challenges of juggling multiple roles and the overwhelming feeling that no matter what you do, it never feels like enough.

My life and home felt chaotic. Running a business, being a wife, mom and managing a household left me feeling like I was losing myself. Our home seemed to lack order and space, and everything felt overwhelming.

I realized that God was telling me I needed to change, and that began with creating space in our home and our lives. Slowly, I made small but impactful changes. It wasn't just about meal planning, meal prep and routines, but creating habits that worked for my family, saved us time and money.

It was also about me changing my perspective, looking at our home through God's eyes. See when I realize that managing our home was a gift from God my heart started to change. The little messes weren't bothering me as much. It was about more time together. The more I changed, the more our home changed. The more empowered I felt, the more we worked together as a family. 

Join me on this journey to create space and sanity in your life, so you too can enjoy more time with your family and make lasting memories.

sign me up!

Hey I'm Billie-Jo

As a wife, mom of three, business owner and homeschool teacher, I know what it feels like to be constantly on the go, struggling to keep your head above water. At 48, I jumped into motherhood when we adopted a set of siblings, each with ADHD, PTSD and trauma. SOOOO YES, I understand the challenges of juggling multiple roles and the overwhelming feeling that no matter what you do, it never feels like enough.

My life and home felt chaotic. Running a business, being a wife, mom and managing a household left me feeling like I was losing myself. Our home seemed to lack order and space, and everything felt overwhelming.

I realized that God was telling me I needed to change, and that began with creating space in our home and our lives. Slowly, I made small but impactful changes. It wasn't just about meal planning, meal prep and routines, but creating habits that worked for my family, saved us time and money.

It was also about me changing my perspective, looking at our home through God's eyes. See when I realize that managing our home was a gift from God my heart started to change. The little messes weren't bothering me as much. It was about more time together. The more I changed, the more our home changed. The more empowered I felt, the more we worked together as a family. 

Join me on this journey to create space and sanity in your life, so you too can enjoy more time with your family and make lasting memories.

I'm ready!!

This small investment could pay for itself fives time over in the first month, if you start now.

Helping moms develop lasting habits and achieve balance has become my passion. Through experience, I've discovered effective strategies for creating space and establishing routines that truly work. I'm excited to share these insights with you.

I've compiled everything I've learned into The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits, a comprehensive and easy-to-follow course you can tackle at your own pace. This course will guide you through creating space in all areas of your life, maintaining your sanity, forming sustainable habits, and prioritizing self-care. Ultimately, it will help you gain more precious time with your family.

No matter what season of life you're in, creating space and finding balance is possible for you. I've learned simple ways to make changes that create space and allow for more balance in mom life. Yes you might have to give up things like staying up late, take out food and constantly being busy, but after a few weeks you will notice some changes and more balance in your life. You will be more calm, less chaos and you will be spending more time with your family and making memories. You will see yourself thriving!


So what's the secret?

Creating space in our lives is the secret. When we feel empowered, we will want to create space in our minds, hearts, lives, homes and schedule. We begin to open ourselves to seek balance and peace in our lives. By prioritizing what truly matters and establishing routines that promote order, we can transform our homes into a space that everyone will love. and be filled with happiness. Identifying and creating space in key areas of our lives can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling existence. As we progress through this course, we will dive deeper into each area, providing practical tools and strategies to help you implement these changes. By creating space in our minds, schedules, meal times and homes, we can improve our well-being and create a nurturing environment for our families.

Before we get into that, I think it’s time for some AMAZING news!!

Helping moms develop lasting habits and achieve balance has become my passion. Through experience, I've discovered effective strategies for creating space and establishing routines that truly work. I'm excited to share these insights with you.

I've compiled everything I've learned into The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits, a comprehensive and easy-to-follow course you can tackle at your own pace. This course will guide you through creating space in all areas of your life, maintaining your sanity, forming sustainable habits, and prioritizing self-care. Ultimately, it will help you gain more precious time with your family.

So what's the secret?

Creating space in our lives is the secret. When we feel empowered, we will want to create space in our minds, hearts, lives, homes and schedule. We begin to open ourselves to seek balance and peace in our lives. By prioritizing what truly matters and establishing routines that promote order, we can transform our homes into a space that everyone will love. and be filled with happiness. Identifying and creating space in key areas of our lives can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling existence. As we progress through this course, we will dive deeper into each area, providing practical tools and strategies to help you implement these changes. By creating space in our minds, schedules, meal times and homes, we can improve our well-being and create a nurturing environment for our families.
Before we get into that, I think it’s time for some AMAZING news!!

No matter what season of life you're in, creating space and finding balance is possible for you. I've learned simple ways to make changes that create space and allow for more balance in mom life. Yes you might have to give up things like staying up late, take out food and constantly being busy, but after a few weeks you will notice some changes and more balance in your life. You will be more calm, less chaos and you will be spending more time with your family and making memories. You will see yourself thriving!

This is what I need
click here

Just imagine this life for yourself and family:

  • Happier and healthier family
  • Having more time to do the things that matter to you, like spending time with your family
  • Reducing the overall stress in your life
  • Having a more organized and efficient household routine 
  • Creating habits that allow for better organization and peace
  • Saving money each month, simply by implementing simple routines
  • Less clutter in your mind and home, leading to a better version of yourself

All of that CAN be your reality thanks to
creating space, making memories and finding peace

Which can only be found inside of…

The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits

Just imagine what that would actually be like:

  • Happier and healthier family
  • Having more time to do the things that matter to you, like spending time with family
  • Reducing the overall stress in your life
  • Having a more organized and efficient household routine
  • Creating habits that allow for better organization and peace
  • Saving money each month, simply by implementing simple routines
  • Less clutter in your mind and home, leading to a better version of yourself


Which can only be found inside of 

The Simplified Home:
A Mom's Guide to
Lasting Habits

Introducing Balanced Mom Life:Creating Space, Making Memories and Finding Peace

Meal Planning and Meal Prep Guide is the missing link that will help you finally gain time back in your day and reduce meal time stress. You have lifetime access to the Guide, all of the tools, strategies and a list of all my favorites for the kitchen. 

Who am I to teach you how to gain time back in your day and reduce stress? Well I teach you everything I learned on cracking the code to meal planning and prep. Spending a little time planning saves you hours every week. I get more time with family. Less trips to the grocery store. I have time for myself. Time to go to the park in the afternoon. Dinner is a breeze.


Who am I teach you to gain time back in your day and reduce stress? Well I took the time to crack the code on meal planning so it can work for your family. How spending a little time each week saves hours each week. I have more time for my family, so if we want to do something fun in the afternoon, I know dinner will be a breeze. It also allows me time for some self care or a coffee date. 


The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits is a course created to help moms create habits, find that space and balance they truly desire. It is 8 short modules that are full of information, easy to digest and implement. I know asking for help can be really hard. I'm being honest when I say I wish I had something like this when I was feeling so overwhelmed. This would have helped me so much simply by having systems that I could do easily do and reduce stress. It would have eliminate the overwhelm and chaos in my home—starting with a new perspective on managing it.

I created this course to empower moms and prevent overwhelm and burnout. This course can truly transform your life, just as it did for me. To change the state of our homes, we must shift our perspective. Negative thoughts will only hold us back and cause resentment. Are you ready to thrive and manage your home with confidence?

How creating space in your life leads to more peace, time with your family, happier family and organization in your overall life. When there is constant busyness it takes up so much in our heads, especially in kids with ADHD. 

Creating Space & Keeping Your Sanity

Simply by creating simple systems with meal time and maintaining your home, (which includes our laundry routine) you will free up more time in your day, have more time for the things that truly matter and less stress in your life. 

Creating Simple Systems For Your Home

Once you have learned to create space, shift your mindset and implement simple systems you will see a difference.  You will learn how this whole course ties together for a better version of yourself and your family.

All About Self Care

Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your contact information to sign up.

Here's How it Works...

Step 01:

Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from me with login instructions.

Step 02:

Log into the program, roll up your sleeves and get ready to create balance.

Step 03:

You know which option I’m voting for. Because...

In 2 weeks, you could be enjoying more time with your family and creating space in your life simply by making small changes in your home. 

In 2 months, you will have habits in place that lead to you thriving, saving money because you are effectively meal planning and prepping. 

And in a year, you will be telling other moms all the secrets you learn and how you're truly enjoying life, because you created habits and space that work for you and your family.

But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and create habits, space, make memories and find peace and all of the tools, strategies AND accountability,  you need to make your dreams a reality inside The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits.

Now you’ve got two choices:

Keep thinking that your life is always going to be like this and that you're always going to be a hot mess mama. Constantly busy,  feeling guilty for missing out on time with your kids and your hubby.


Enroll in The Simplified Home: A Mom's Guide to Lasting Habits and take the first steps towards a life that has more space in your home and life and more time with your family.  A step that gets you back to who you were created to be, the fun you, the happy you and the balance you.


Are you ready to have more space, balance, memories and peace in your life, simply because you created habits?

If you read through this and you’re STILL unsure...

Admitting the need for change is undeniably difficult—I understand that completely. I've been there, feeling like I was failing as a mom. But the truth is, we deserve better. As mothers, we deserve to live fulfilling, joyful lives. We weren't created to be constantly stressed and unhappy; we were created to fulfill God's purpose for us.

I am committed to helping moms create habits, balance, happiness and the space they need to thrive, because we truly deserve it."

So, what do you say??

Are you ready to have more space, balance, memories and peace in your life, simply because you created habits?

enroll today

Enroll now!