Being Still: Finding Peace and Strength in God’s Presence

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In today’s fast-paced world, we often feel the pressure to stay busy, accomplish more, and always be on the go. But over the past few months, I’ve been learning about the power of being still. It’s a lesson that kept coming up in my devotions and through reading the Bible: God is calling us to be still.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” These words have become a lifeline for me, especially as I’ve learned to embrace quiet moments with God. Being still isn’t just about pausing or resting physically—it’s about intentionally making time to connect with God, to hear His voice and to experience His peace.

Leaning into Stillness

When I take time to sit quietly with God, I find a peace and calmness that I can’t get from staying busy or crossing things off my to-do list. It’s not about productivity; it’s about presence—God’s presence, which to me is amazing. 

In the beginning of Psalm 46, we are reminded that, “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). This verse has been my anchor. It tells me that God isn’t just with me in the stillness; He is also my strength when I’m weak and when I feel overwhelmed.

I was taught this lesson the hard way when I broke my foot a few months ago. It forced me to slow down and embrace being still and while it was a difficult time, it opened my eyes to the beauty of quieting my heart before God.

Embracing Stillness in a Busy World

Now that my foot has healed, I find myself leaning into stillness more intentionally. I’ve started to look forward to those quiet moments where I sit, talk to God and listen. I often sit with my legs crossed, hands in my lap and simply focus on being present with Him. 

When was the last time you truly listened to God?”

It’s easy to let the noise of life drown out His voice. But God isn’t shouting for our attention; He’s whispering. And to hear that whisper, we have to stop, be still and listen. I’ve learned that when I take time to be still, I hear His voice more clearly. And through that, I’ve found peace and strength in ways I never imagined.

An Invitation to Be Still

As we step into a new month, I want to encourage you to embrace stillness in your life. When was the last time you spent time talking to God and listening to Him? Maybe you, like me, have been busy with life, but God is gently reminding us to be still and know Him.

I encourage you to find a quiet moment each day—whether it’s five minutes or fifty—and just sit with God. Talk to Him. Ask for His strength, and then listen. Trust that He’s close, whispering, waiting for you to draw near.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) What more could we want?

Final Thoughts

Stillness isn’t always easy, especially when life feels chaotic, but it’s in these moments of quiet that we find refuge in God. His strength, His peace, and His presence are always available when we take time to be still. As you go through this month, I challenge you to make stillness a habit. You’ll be amazed at how much peace and clarity it brings into your life.

Feel free to reach out to me if you need help. As always I’m cheering you on.



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