The Power of Decluttering: How Simplifying My Home Brought Peace to My Life

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When I first started decluttering our home, I had no idea the impact it would really have on me. I thought I was just clearing out physical items, but little did I know, I was also creating space in my mind and life. As I removed clutter, I felt lighter, both mentally and emotionally. Isn’t that what we really want as moms?

It was as though clearing the physical mess in my home made room for clarity and peace in my mind.


Decluttering My Mind

Creating space in my home wasn’t just about making things look tidy—it allowed me to think more clearly and feel less overwhelmed. I found that with fewer distractions, I could focus better, make decisions more easily and approach challenges with a calmer mind. I was no longer weighed down by the constant visual clutter that used to cause me stress. Instead, I had more time and energy for what truly mattered—being present with my family and myself.


The Impact on My Family

What surprised me the most was how decluttering positively affected my family. As our home became more organized, the overall atmosphere shifted. There was a noticeable sense of calm in our space, and I saw that reflected in my children’s behavior. They were calmer, less overwhelmed and able to manage their emotions better. It was a reminder that clutter doesn’t just cause chaos in our physical space—it also creates chaos in our minds and hearts. When we removed the clutter, we also made room for peace and connection.


Simplifying the Holidays

Decluttering has even influenced how I approach decorating for the seasons. When I decorated for fall this year, I kept it simple, putting out fewer decorations than I normally would. And I know Christmas will be the same. The idea of simplicity has become a theme in our home—less stuff, more meaning. As I’m deep-cleaning and decluttering, I’m finding that it’s not about filling every space with décor but about creating a peaceful environment. I plan to declutter both before and after the holidays to ensure our space stays calm and organized. I can’t wait to share more on this topic.

How to Start Decluttering

Decluttering can feel overwhelming at first, but I’ve found a few simple strategies that have made it manageable. Here’s what works for me:


-Spend 10-15 minutes a day decluttering: Start small. Don’t jump into a major project like your closet or garage right away—that’s a recipe for frustration and burnout. Focus on a drawer or cabinet for a few minutes each day. Small wins will build your momentum.


-Get rid of what you don’t use: Whether it’s a kitchen gadget collecting dust or a toy that hasn’t been touched in years, let it go. If it’s not adding value to your life, it’s clutter.


-Toss anything broken or damaged: If it’s beyond repair, it’s time for it to go. Holes, broken parts, and unusable items just take up unnecessary space.


Moving Forward with Simplicity

Decluttering isn’t a one-time event—it’s an ongoing practice. As I continue simplifying our home, I’m discovering that it’s about more than just getting rid of stuff. It’s about creating space for what truly matters—peace, connection and quality time with the people I love.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter, start small and stay consistent. Little by little, you’ll begin to see the benefits of a simplified space—and you may just find the peace and clarity you’ve been craving.


There is so much more to decluttering, which will be in the decluttering course coming out January 2025. 

But if you want to get a jump on decluttering there are two ways we can work together. 1:1 calls or in my group coaching program. 


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