
Ever since I was a child I have loved cookbooks. I remember looking through my mom’s and wanting to try recipes. I know these days it is so easy to use Pinterest or google to search recipes, but for some time I have had a dream of writing my own cookbook. I actually collect cookbooks. All these cookbooks in this picture  have inspired me in some way. Some of these authors I have discovered on social media, on podcasts and on tv. What I love about these authors is each of one of them is passionate about what they do and they have their own style. Even though they don’t know it, they have all encouraged me to be authentic with my recipes, my business and to be me. 


So one of the reasons I changed the focus of my business is to concentrate on more recipe creating and blogging. The rest of the reasons will come at a later time…haha. I love to really cook and bake, just being in the kitchen makes me happy. I know my goal of writing a cookbook will take a lot of work, dedication and patience. The one good thing about this process is that I will be in the kitchen a lot. So I hope you follow along on this journey and I hope to inspire you along the way. See I think it’s great to be inspired and be able to inspire others. 


Two quick questions for you, what is one dream you have and how can I help to inspire you? Please feel free to send me a message!


Happy Baking and Cooking ????


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