And We Wait

On our walk today I said to Jimmy, I wonder what God is trying to teach us, he was like right?!?! There is a lot going on in our lives between issues with the building of our house, Cashew having to go back to the vet and my surgery. I am stressed and overwhelmed. I actually just wanted not to do anything today, but I knew I couldn’t. I have things I need to get done before I actually can’t do anything. 


I know Jimmy is very stressed and worried about my surgery, which means I have to be the strong one. Usually he is the strong one, so I am freaking out inside and being strong on the outside. I think I am more scared of the needles I have to get and the recovery, than I am about the actual surgery. Let’s just say I am definitely afraid of needles. Well for the recovery I am told it’s a 6-8 week recovery. Um, I don’t sit still and I don’t do nothing well. I am actually bad about that. I can’t lift more than 10lbs for 6 weeks, really. I do have a long to do list that requires sitting, but still. So stay tuned for an update on that.


Second thing is Cashew has been having issues with her back paw for almost two months. She stepped on a fox tail fern needle and it broke off in her paw. We thought it was better but the past couple weeks it opened back up. So back to the vet she went today to get it looked. Hopefully this time it heals. So please pray for her. Well I guess she can recover with me starting next week.






















Let’s talk about our house and that issue. Well we signed our contract early May. They didn’t start our house until July. We had our pre construction meeting the day they laid the foundation. A few days later Jimmy and I went back and I was like our slab is wrong. So our realtor (who is the best) contacted them and told them. They admitted they made a mistake. They couldn’t redo the slab, so they redid the front porch and the grading out front. Well we went back to have a meeting with them regarding this and I was like I hate it. When they redid it they didn’t give us a step up into our house, it was flat. Nope that doesn’t work for us. So we are back fighting with them to get money back and trying to get them to get moving. They were supposed to start framing a few weeks ago and then again this past Tuesday. So stay tuned for updates.


So now we get to wait and see what God is teaching us. 


Love ????



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