25 Activities to do With Your Children this Christmas

This is our first year with the kids and we are so excited to make this Christmas extra special for them. So I decided to come up with 25 fun things to do with them to countdown to Christmas. Some of the items are super simple and some are a little more complex. My kids love to give back to people and help people in need. So I made sure to put some charity things to do in there too. My kids also love to do crafts, so we will be crafting. Don’t want to do 25 Days of Christmas, well you can turn it into 12 Days of Christmas or even 10 days. The point is to have fun and make the Christmas with your kiddos extra special.


  1. Write a letter to Santa and Mail it

The kids write a letter to Santa with their wishlist and mail it. A lot of towns have a special mailbox for letters to Santa, which your kids can drop the letter in. I actually bought a little mailbox years ago and had someone write on the mailbox “Letter to Santa”. So our kids want to put their letters in there. 

  1. We have been jingled 

Our neighborhood did “we have been booed” for Halloween and it seemed like everyone loved it and everyone got booed. It is a great way make neighbors feel welcome especially in a new neighborhood. So this is what we are doing. We are going to do a Christmas bag or box fill it with some snacks, a bottle of wine and fun Christmas decor and stickers. Make sure to put in the bag/bucket the directions and more of the we have been jingled, so the recipients can continue it.

Here’s the printable links for you to print.

We’ve Been Jingled

You’ve Been Jingled Printable



  1. Make Christmas Cards 

This is a great thing for the kids to do for teachers, grandparents, family members and mom and dad. I got some card stock, Christmas paper, stamps and ribbon for them to make the cards with.

  1. Christmas Clean Out

I saw this idea from someone else and loved it. Have your kids clean out their toys they don’t play with anymore and give them to kids in need. I like to say we need to make room for the new things we will get for Christmas. If you haven’t already gone through their clothes, this is a great time to do that. I know it might seem like a lot of work, but there are kids that need things and it will help putting the stuff away after Christmas easier.

  1. Leave a thank you basket

I know people do this throughout the year, but I think it is especially important at Christmas time. Delivery people are working so hard during this time and a little appreciation goes a long way. So leave a basket out of water and some snacks for them. I also know we all need to go the extra mile at Christmas time and show extra kindness.

  1. Make a DIY Christmas Card Holder

All you need is a good tree branch, ribbon, clothes pin and greenery. It doesn’t take long to make and you can add more ribbon as you need it. This is a great way for the kids to be part of the Christmas cards and a way for them to get to know family and friends.

  1. Christmas Puzzle

I love doing puzzles and I am teaching the kids how to do a puzzle. I think there are strategies and thinking required with puzzles, it is a good learning experience with kids. 

  1. Make Christmas Cookies

We love baking and Christmas Cookies are a favorite for the kids. It is one of my greatest memories from when I was kid. Check out my favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes.

  1. Go on a date night and plan something fun for the kids

So many places have parents night out and they watch the kids. Our church is doing a pajama party for the kids. My kids are super excited about this!!! Or hire a babysitter and go on a date!! I know Jimmy and I are very excited about our date night. 

  1. Run a Christmas Race or do a Christmas Workout

This gets the kids moving and the adults moving. We are an active family but this year we are  signed up for a race and we are excited about it. You can definitely make up a Christmas workout or find online. 

  1. Christmas Crafts

There are so many fun Christmas crafts you can do. Make snow globes, make gifts to give, ornaments and Christmas trees. We are making some Christmas ornaments, snow globes and presents for others.

  1. Random Acts of Kindness

Kids buy gift cards and give to random people or pay it forward in line at Starbucks, do extra tips when eating out.

  1. Color in a Christmas Coloring Book

This is something easy and something fun!! Coloring can last for a little bit or awhile. I love to save some of their pictures they color, it is good to see the process and how they are growing.

  1. Make Christmas Ornaments for Christmas trees

I always loved doing this as a kid. I still have one I made from when I was a kid. This way they can start their own collection of ornaments. These ornaments are so easy to make with popsicle sticks, yarn, pompoms and stars. 

  1. Donate to a local food pantry

We have a local food pantry that many businesses and churches collect for. My kids absolutely love doing this. They get so excited to buy the food and go deliver it.

  1. Christmas Themed Lunches

I am all about fun lunches for the kids, especially when it comes to Holidays. So this will be happening on more than one occasion for them. When it comes to special lunches, I love to make breakfast for them So I usually make pancakes or waffles and make things out of them. So I do like snowmen or Rudolph. I even have Christmas shapes for pancakes I will be using. I always add some bacon for some protein. 

  1. Make Gingerbread Houses

You can buy a kit from the store or you can make them homemade like we are doing. Have a contest or build a big one as a family. If you are a sucker for GAC and Hallmark movies, this activity is for you. 

  1. Sing and Listen to Christmas Carols around the Fire Pit or go Caroling

 I am not sure if people actually go caroling or if just the Christmas Hallmark and GAC movies, but if you can go caroling definitely do it. We are gonna sit around a fire pit and listen to Christmas music.

  1. Christmas Donuts

 Christmas donuts are so much fun and a special treat. Making homemade donuts is actually easy and fun. Check out my fun Christmas donut recipe here. Isabella loves to make donuts with me, she can almost make them by herself. 

  1. Random Acts of Kindness

Today is all about helping someone else. It can be helping someone to the car with the groceries, opening doors, picking up trash or whatever you want to. Drop off cookies to the fire house or police station. Giving cookies to a neighbor or helping a neighbor or both, it is a great way to get to know your neighbors. I love that this teaches to kids to do something nice for someone else and giving back to others. 

  1. Wrap Christmas Presents

Wrap presents together as a family. Get lots of wrapping paper, tape, ribbons and bows together. Have fun wrapping presents, let kids use their imagination and be creative. Listen to Christmas music and have some cookies while wrapping.


  1. Christmas Pancakes and Pajamas 

Spend the day in pajamas having pancakes for each meal for the day and watch Christmas movies. My kids absolutely love pancakes and pajama days. This is a great way to kick off Christmas break. Here are some pancake recipes for you. 

  1. String Popcorn

Stringing popcorn I remember doing this as a kid and I can’t wait to share this tradition with my kiddos. Super easy and super fun. You can do this while listening to Christmas music or watching Christmas movies. 

  1. Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt or Bingo Card

Take the family out and look at Christmas lights. Do a scavenger hunt and see who can find the most things from this list. You can play as individuals or as teams.

Here is the printable link for it 

Christmas Scavenger Hunt


  1.  Read the story of the Birth of Jesus

I always remember reading Luke 2 the birth of Jesus. This was something we did when I was a kid. We always had Christmas pajamas. We have matching Christmas pajamas and we are gonna take a family selfie!!

I am so excited about our first Christmas together and I know the kids are too. Follow along on our journey of our first Christmas and all the fun activities we will be doing. Enjoy the Christmas day with your family!!

Merry Christmas from my Kitchen ????



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