10 Things You Can Do Now To Prepare For The Holidays

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The busiest time of the year is almost here, which means for a lot of people, stress. Why do we let stress overcome us so much that we don’t truly enjoy the Holiday season? I mean there are songs that say it is the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year? Have you noticed that Christmas songs don’t talk about stress, they talk about the memories and good times. The past two years have looked so different for me and I want to share with you the things I have learned and implemented in our family. I have worked really hard on reducing stress and how to handle it better. So with the Holidays approaching, I want to enjoy them and not be stressed out. I want my family to enjoy them and not be stressed out. Each year I want us as a family to enjoy the Holidays more, less stress and make more memories. 

Here are 10 things that you can start doing today to prepare for the Holidays. 

  1. Plan your Thanksgiving day, if you haven’t already. If you are hosting Thanksgiving, get your menu done this weekend and don’t be afraid to ask others to bring stuff. You don’t have to do it all yourself. In fact you don’t even have to have a turkey. We do steak and shrimp. Make your grocery list too. If you are going to someone else’s house, make sure you ask what you can bring. 
  2. Make all travel arrangements necessary if you’re traveling. If you are not traveling, get your guest room ready for company. Plan for your pets too.
  3. Schedule all hair and nail appointments. I know this might sound crazy, but this time of year salons are super busy too.
  4. Decide how many events as a family you will do. Pick a number and stick to it. Planning something for every night will drain you and your family, plus stress you out. Last year we stopped a lot of after school activities to make it easier for the family. Next week I will share more ideas about this and traditions. Even ask your family what are some things they would like to do this year. 
  5. Buy tickets for any event you might be going to. 
  6. Set a budget for Christmas.
  7. Make Christmas gift lists and have kids make their list. Kids remember experiences more than they remember gifts. 
  8. Confirm Holiday plans with others. This can be tricky and annoying, but is necessary. 
  9. Plan Christmas outfits and or matching pajamas.
  10. Start decorating for Christmas or at least get the Christmas decorations organized.

Each week from now until Christmas I will be sharing tips, tricks and secrets to make the Holidays less stressful and more enjoyable, fun and memorable. I think the biggest thing we have to do is learn to say NO, something we hear quite often from our kids. Don’t say yes to the party you know you don’t want to do. Don’t say yes to buying gifts for everyone. Instead say yes to yourself and your family. Say yes to making memories together. Say yes to a few minutes to yourself. 

Always remember the Holidays are a time of love, laughter, making memories, being thankful and remembering the birth of Jesus.

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