Are We Going With The Flow?

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I am the type of person that loves to have plans or have my days planned out. I plan my days from morning to night, however I do not jam pack my days. Most of my days are usually full from 9ish to 2pm. I like to take advantage of that time and be productive, while the kids are in school. I am not the type of person that likes to sit around and do nothing. Even if I am watching tv, I am usually doing something else. However I have learned to listen to my body and rest when it tells me I need to rest. This actually was hard for me to learn. But when you have an injury and it doesn’t heal properly, you are forced to rest. I also have learned this for my kids to give them down time, especially after school or a high activity day.

When Jimmy is off from work I love to have plans to do something, since we don’t get much time off together. However he isn’t the same, he is like whatever or let’s see what happens. Some days it drives me crazy, other days I am okay with it. Well I try to be okay with going with the flow. You know I ask when the flow is starting? Lately however it has been driving me crazy, because I am trying to do so much for my business, the family and keep our house clean (which by the way it is a mess right now). But this is where we balance each other out. We talk about what we need for those days off and we make compromises. Some days he goes with the flow, other days he knows I need to have plans or work on a list of things to do, so he steps up and is about that. I understand why he is this type, because he works so hard all the time and some days he needs to rest. We had a long conversation about this and what he made me realize is that I need to feel productive, like I thrive on being productive. So what I learn or am reminded of, it is about balance. Jimmy and I balance each other out and that is a good thing. We learn to tell each other what we need to help the marriage.


 I was very set in my morning routine. My alarm goes off at 5am. I jump out of bed, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Get changed into my workout clothes and head downstairs. I will make our fizzes, empty the dishwasher and get dishes out for breakfast. Then I start my devotions. My morning routine is my favorite part of my day. I feel like this is the beginning of my day and I can handle what is thrown at me for the day. However I added in Jimmy putting his arms around me for a few minutes of snuggle time. This has added a little bit of peace to me and gives me a calmness before I start my day. I know those few minutes are important to him too. After this is when I start my morning routine and we added in devotions together. Having that time before kids wake up is important to our marriage and to me. Morning routines are so important to everyone, including yourself, spouse and kids. If you don’t have a morning routine, let’s talk and see how I can help you. Even if you aren’t a morning person, I believe I can help you. 

 I thrive on productivity, organization and planning. They used to be a weakness of mine, until I went to a leadership class years ago and learned how to use my strengths to turn these into strengths. 20 years ago, I didn’t know that this would matter in my life. Now I am realizing God has had a plan all these years for me to use these skills and help other moms. Who knew my planning would come in hand after adopting 3 kids. I try to teach our kids about planning, organizing and finding ways for them to be productive. I wish I would have been taught some of these things as a kid.

What is one thing you struggle with planning or organizing? Hit reply and tell me, so I can help you.

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