Can We Stop Worrying?

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I was having a conversation with Jimmy today and it really spoke to me. He said he was worried about me, our family and some other things. It made me think, can we stop worrying?

 I think it is hard to stop, but I think we can. What can we do to help stop worrying? It is our human nature to worry, especially as a wife and mom. I worry about my husband, his job, our kids, our finances, my business, my health and I could keep going. What are you worrying about?

Some days I go to bed worrying and wake up worrying. I didn’t wake up worrying today, I was too busy trying to get over my nightmare that I was dying. So I went for a morning run on the treadmill, because that always makes me feel better. That nightmare didn’t cause me worry, but how my kids were this morning. Isabella was in tears this morning…she is going through a rough stage and acting out. I am worried about Lele and if she is ready for her test today? Is she making friends? Then there is JJ…he has both Jimmy and I worried. He is having a lot of feelings lately, having a hard time expressing them. That boy has so much to offer the world, but right now he is holding himself back. He doesn’t feel like he deserves a good life. His past is keeping in the past and holding back his future. So as a mom, I am worried about my boy. 

Literally there are times I stop what I’m doing and start worrying over Jim’s job or JJ or the girls. But what is worrying really doing? Nothing but causing me stress and stopping me from doing what God is calling me to do. Is this really what I want? Do I want to live in fear and worry? 

So the question becomes, how do I stop worrying? Or at least how do I try and stop worrying.

  1. I need to trust God completely. I need to constantly remember that He is in control, which leads to number 2. 
  2. If I think about the worst case scenario, I think about what could happen. No matter what the answer is, God is in control and his plan is so much more than what I can imagine. 
  3. Remember how far God has brought us. If I look at the past and think about the bad situations, I see all the good that came from them and the good that is still coming from it. I mean God loves us and he will take care of us. 
  4. Pray…I mean really pray. Some days I am on my knees talking to God, other days I might be walking and talking and praying. There are also some days I just sit there and listen for God to speak to me.
  5. Read the Bible. This is huge, there are so many verses that talk about worrying and God is in control.

So will I worry? Yes, it’s a working process. What I can tell you, is when I feel the worrying creeping in and taking control, I stop and remember to do one of these five things. I’m praying, reading the Bible and remembering God is in control and His plan is the best. Having FAITH!

Do you want to stop worrying? What do you do when you worry? 

Love from the Kitchen ????



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