Cheers to the New Year!

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I can’t believe 2021 is over and it was a great year for us!! There are so many things we said  cheers to and so much to be thankful for. I love to see how God works and last year He worked in so many ways. Our lives have changed so much in 2021 and we couldn’t be more thankful and excited for all that has happened.

In the beginning of 2021, we decided to become foster parents and we went down the road of fostering to adopt siblings. Becoming licensed foster parents was a journey, at times we were not sure if it would happen. The process took almost a year and God taught us patience and faith during the process. Finally on December 15, we received word that the state approved us to be foster parents. 


We decided to sell our home in March and build another home. We sold our house before having another home, which led to us renting an apartment. Renting wasn’t the easiest thing and we realized we aren’t apartment people. But as always God taught us lessons while renting an apartment. Being in an apartment really taught me a lot about my business. I dove into learning and feel like I grew a lot as a food photographer and blogger. I took the time to invest in myself and my business. I probably would not have done this, if we were in a house. I am thankful for this learning time. 


The building process of our house took over a month longer than we thought it would be. We had to really lean on God and have big faith through it all. We closed on December 21 and were officially moved in by December 28. It was a lot of long hours, but we are so happy to be moved into our new home. When I say long hours I mean early morning to late at night. This also happened while Jimmy was working 6 days the last week of the year. People say building a new home can break a marriage, but that didn’t happen with us. In fact it has made us stronger and our faith in God has grown so much. We had a lot of issues with our house and setbacks. Things came down to the wire and I really mean that. In fact, there is still a long list of things they need that need to be fixed. 

We wouldn’t change anything about the past years, yet we are so excited for 2022. We were paired with a sibling group right as we got our foster license. We can’t wait to meet these 3 kiddos and start the process of fostering to adopt. We were reminded once again that God’s time is the best and He is in control of everything. So please keep us in your prayers and these kids in your prayers. 


Cheers from my New Kitchen to your Kitchen ????



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