Let’s Be Present

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You know the saying: stop and smell the roses. I have been trying to do that lately. In the world we live in, it is hard to do. Everyone is always going, going, going, myself included. When we were on vacation, I brought my camera because I wanted to take a lot of pictures. You know what? I didn’t take many pictures. I was too busy watching my kids and creating memories with them. We were laughing and having so much fun. The kids would take my phone and take some pictures of things they wanted to. I finally took the camera out of the backpack, so we didn’t have to carry it around. I was hoping to have a lot of pictures from vacation, but instead I have a lot of memories. Jimmy is really good about being present in the moment and not taking pictures. So I am trying to learn from him.


When we got home I was reminded a few more times about resting and being present. One day Jimmy came down and said I don’t feel like working out, I feel like sitting here with you and Cashew and snuggling while we do devotions. At first I was like I am going on the treadmill, but then I was reminded of being present in the moment. Jimmy and I needed that time together. We really don’t get that much alone time. Jimmy and I also realized that we need to be present more when we are together. So we have been making more of an effort with talking about us and about our days, not just watching tv. We have been going for some walks too.  We decided that we needed a little vacation for ourselves. So we booked a trip for my 50th birthday in the fall. I truly believe this is important for couples to stay connected and have some romance.


When the kids get home from school, I want to be present with them. Whether it is doing homework or reading or playing outside, I know the kids need me to be present. One thing they wanted was to come home after school and not go to after school care. Some days it isn’t easy to be present, because of my things to do list and they have a lot going on with after school activities. The more time I spend with them, the more changes I see in them for the better. So sometimes my things to do list doesn’t get done and that is okay with me.

I have been trying to give myself a little rest time, whether it is going for a little walk or reading a book or spending some time with God. When I go go go, I’m wearing myself down and not at my best. I am known to burn the candle at both ends. I am mentally exhausted and not motivated sometimes. Two of my favorite times of the day are when I first get up in the morning, it’s just me and Cashew hanging out in my chair. I cuddle with her while I am doing my devotions. My other favorite time is when the kids are in bed and I have a few minutes to myself before Jimmy gets home from work. I love sitting on my patio with a glass of wine or bubbly. Those few minutes help me to reflect on the day and breath.

I encourage you to find a few minutes in the day for yourself, it is good for yourself. You don’t have to go, go, go. You can put your phone down and take some time for yourself and God.

Love from my Kitchen ????




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