Life Begins at 50

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Happy Birthday to Me!! I can’t believe I am 50?!?! Like I am not that old, there is no way. Like I’m in complete shock I’m turning 50. I don’t feel 50 at all. If I am honest, turning 50 is easier for me than turning 40. Turning 40 was so tough for me and honestly was one of my worst birthdays ever. I wasn’t in the best place in my life. But I took that moment and worked on making my life and marriage better. I can say Jimmy and I are in a really good place and have come a long way since that time. I am in a better place in so many ways. I have grown in my relationship with God, which has helped me grow so much over the past few years. Becoming a mom changed me in so many ways. Some of the things that I used to dream about have come true or some aren’t my dreams anymore.

The biggest thing I have learned in the past year is being stuck, really does suck. Being scared about chasing my dreams is horrible. If you would have asked me at the beginning of the year if I would have pivoted my business to help moms, the answer would be a hard no. But God has a way of working in people and getting their attention. It is kind of funny, you know.  I had a nagging feeling and I was stuck. I couldn’t figure out what it was. I had a whole update on my website I was ready to launch and I was so excited about when I started working on the updates. But the week before the launch, I pulled the plug. I couldn’t do it. I had finally realized God was speaking to me and changes were about to happen. I had been so scared to pull the plug. I was scared of what people were going to think of me and pivoting my business again. It was around the middle of August after the kids were in the school when all this happened. But I couldn’t ignore that feeling I was having and I really started listening to God. He said I have something else in store for you. I want you to help moms. Say What?!?! This was hard for me, because what did I know about being a mom? I feel like I am on the struggle bus just about everyday as a mom. Plus I have only been a mom a short time. God was like I know…you jumped into motherhood at the age of 48, blah, blah, blah. Yes I know and I have prepared you for this moment. You are ready and I’ve got your back. Little did I realize that all my crazy organizing skills would come in handy with organized chaos. I was getting asked how I keep things organized, how am I doing so many home cooked meals and fun lunches. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the call. So I said okay I am ready. 

Since I decided to make the leap and pivot my business, it is like a weight has been lifted. I am investing in me, so I can help you find some of that much needed time and organize the chaos going on. I am jumping out of bed almost every morning and starting my day. It is so exciting and, yes, a little overwhelming. But when God calls us to do something, we can’t wait around and be stuck. We need to get moving. No matter how old we are, if God is calling us to do something, we need to do it. I mean we really need to do it. Remember I jumped into Motherhood at the age of 48. We aren’t too old for anything. It is a mindset that we can change. So what is God calling you to do? How can I cheer you on?

My birthday is looking much different than the past years. First we aren’t traveling on my birthday like we usually do. I haven’t been home on my birthday in years. Jimmy took me to Vegas in September so we could celebrate the just the two of us. We had a great vacation and it was great to be away, just the two of us. By the way if you haven’t been away with your spouse without kids in a long time, you need to change that. As moms and dads, we need that much needed alone time and time to reconnect and grow closer. We were supposed to go away this weekend for my birthday, but things happened that were out of control. So Jimmy wanted me to have some self care time, so I got a massage and got a mani and pedi. I get to spend some time with my bestie, while she is in town. We are doing family pictures today. I know Jimmy has something up his sleeve, I just haven’t figured it out yet. I will let you know, once I know. What do you think he has planned? He hasn’t told the kids, because they all have big mouths and can’t keep a secret. 

Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me! ????????????



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