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As Jimmy and I were talking about some of our intentions for this year, we both had something to do with family time, being more present with the family, more connection and more family time.
The Importance of Family Time
This has been a huge shift in our family over the past year or so. When Jimmy took a different position at work in July, I was concerned about our time, but more importantly if our family time would change. And I will say Jimmy did such a great job about keeping God, me and the kids a priority. So when the last month and a half of the year hit and he was working so much (things that were out of his control), I knew it would be hard. But Jimmy stepped up to the plate to make sure family time was still happening.
Yes I get how busy life can be. Especially for Moms trying to juggle so many things, like wife life, mom life, work and the home. Making time for your family is essential for emotional well-being and strengthening relationships. Your spouse and kids need to know they are a priority. This is where simple routines and strategies can play a big part. For example, instead of spending a Saturday cleaning and grocery shopping, maybe clean throughout the week. Saturday comes, you grocery shop together and meal prep together.
Here are 7 things we do in our home to ensure we get family time.
1. Schedule Family Time as Non-Negotiable
- Put it on the calendar, just like you do a meeting for work or a doctor’s appointment. Jimmy and I actually had a conversation about this today. I make sure to plan family time with just the kids, whether it’s baking together, going for a walk or playing a game. These are some of our best moments.
- Set a specific day a week to spend together as a family. Our family day is Sunday, we go to church and we do something together after church, whether it’s watching football or going for a walk. Sunday is family day in our home.
- Now is the time to start teaching kids the importance of family time. Having them learn to respect this time will come in handy later in life. I remember so many family dinners on Sunday. Even when it was just me at home with my parents, I still made sure I spent time with them. Let’s be honest, we don’t know what is going to happen, so let’s make the most of today.
2. Incorporate Family Time into Daily Routines
- Some ways you can incorporate family time is by doing daily routines together, like going for a family walk, meal prepping together, yardwork, dinner together or family devotions.
- Those small pockets of time can lead to meaningful connections. Meal prepping has become one of my favorite times, even if it’s just one kid with me. Since Jimmy was missing dinner, we started doing family breakfast and it literally changed the tone for the day, especially for JJ. If Jimmy got home before the kids went to bed, we would do family devotions or just and talk.
3. Keep Family Activities Simple
- Family time doesn’t need to involve elaborate plans or big events.
- Playing board games, baking together or sitting around the fire drinking hot chocolate.
- Focus on connecting, not perfecting.
4. Be Present: Putting Away Distractions
- Put away phones and other distractions to truly be present with the family.
- Have everyone put their phones away to avoid digital distractions during family time, like setting phone-free zones or times.
5. Embrace the Power of Routine
- Once everyone in my family truly embraced our routines our life ran smoother and they help families bond and feel more connected.
- Simple routines like devotions, bedtime stories, morning hugs or weekend traditions can create lasting memories. My kids look forward to Sunday football. We eat around the coffee table and watch some games and just talk. Family walks and hikes are some of our favorite things to do.
- Creating family routines helps simplify life by giving you a sense of structure and allowing you to make the most of your time together, this is why I talk so much about routines. Routines allow you to have more time for what truly matters, time with your family.
6. Involve Your Hubs and Kids in Planning
- Get everyone involved in planning. Just the other day, Isabella asked if we could sit around the fire pit and hang out. When we get a puzzle going everyone wants to join in and we just sit there and talk.
- Ask your hubs to plan a weekend activity or maybe ask your kids to pick a meal and help make it. Have them pick a few games and plan a game night. Our kids love this.
- By having them get involved in the planning, it will help build a connection and excitement for family time. By getting everyone involved it will bring your family closer.
7. Learn to Say No to Other Commitments
- I get how saying no can be hard, but sometimes you just need to say no. Your kids don’t have to be involved in everything and you don’t have to do everything.
- You shouldn’t feel guilty for prioritizing your family over other demands. I learned a while ago I don’t care if people get mad at me for saying no. I had a friend ask me the other day to meet her at the park, but I said no because Jimmy was off and we planned to spend the day as family.
- In my guide The Simplified Home, I talk about the importance of saying no to commitments and I talk about the importance of saying yes when someone offers help.
Reconnect and Recharge
Start small, but remember, these moments build up. Each small family dinner or activity adds up to a bigger, more connected family life. Jimmy will finally be home for dinner two nights in a row, one night is family dinner and game night. The other night is an at home date night for us. Small changes lead into habits and small habits lead into big changes. Remember your spouse and kids need family time as much as you do. It will help you recharge, creating a healthier and more peaceful dynamic.
Love and Support,
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