The Power of Choice: Choosing Faith, Patience and Trust Every Day

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A few weeks ago, I found myself really diving into the word “Choose.” It came up as the word of the week in my journal—a practice where I meditate on a single word for the entire week and journal about it each day. But choose stuck with me beyond just one week. It was a word that resonated with me as a parent, wife, business owner and as a follower of God, so I continued journaling about it.

As a family, we talk a lot about choices. My husband and I constantly remind our kids that their decisions matter and we ask them daily: Is this a good decision or a bad decision? We want them to understand that every choice has consequences and we are committed to raising them to choose what is good and right. But the more I thought about the word choose, the more I realized that I, too, have important choices to make every day—choices that impact not only my life but also the lives of my children and my relationship with God.

Choosing Who I Want to Be

Each morning as I journal, I make a conscious decision about who or what I want to be that day. I ask myself, What am I choosing today? Some mornings, the choice is simple: I choose to trust God with a specific situation that’s been weighing on my heart. Other days, especially after a rough night of poor sleep, I write: I choose patience. It’s a reminder that even though I may feel tired or overwhelmed, I still have the power to decide how I respond to the world around me.

There are days when I choose faith over fear. Fear really stops me in my tracks some days and I let worry take control of my thoughts. But I’ve learned that choosing faith, even in moments of uncertainty, brings me peace. When I choose to trust that God is in control, my perspective shifts and my heart feels lighter.

My Kids Are Watching

One of the most powerful motivations behind my choices is the fact that my kids are watching me. They observe how I handle stress, how I respond to frustration and how I approach the day ahead. Am I choosing kindness when I could respond with anger? Am I choosing to be present with them, even when distractions are pulling at my attention?

I know that my actions are teaching them just as much as my words. If I want them to grow up making good decisions, I need to model those decisions myself. It’s not always easy, but I want to be intentional about choosing what is right in both the big and small moments of life.

Choosing God Every Day

Above all, I want to choose God daily. I want to choose to follow Him, to seek His guidance, and to trust Him in all things. The Bible is full of examples of people making choices—some good, some bad—and the consequences of those choices. But what I see most clearly is that when we choose to follow God, we grow deeper in our relationship with Him.

In Deuteronomy 30:19, God presents His people with a choice: “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Every day, we are faced with choices, and I want to consistently choose life—life in God’s presence, life guided by His wisdom, and life that reflects His love.

As I continue journaling, I find myself returning to the word choose again and again. I choose faith, I choose patience, I choose love and most importantly, I choose God. It’s a simple word but one with profound impact, shaping my mindset and my heart as I strive to become the person God wants me to be.

What Will You Choose Today?

As we move through the busyness of life, I encourage you to pause and ask yourself: What am I choosing today? Whether it’s choosing to trust God with a difficult situation or choosing patience in a moment of frustration, the decisions we make each day shape who we are becoming.

My hope is that we all learn to choose faith over fear, patience over frustration and trust in God over worry. And as we make these choices, we can rest assured that God is with us, guiding us and growing us in ways we may not even realize.

So, as you start your day tomorrow, take a moment to reflect: Who or what will I choose to be today? Then, go forward in confidence knowing that your choice matters—not only to you but to those around you.


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