She’s a Little Firecracker

Do you have one of those kids that are a little firecracker? You know the one that is so stinkin’ cute, makes your heart melt and is mischievous all at the same time!! The one you go to to discipline and it takes everything inside you not to bust out laughing. Well Isabella is our little firecracker. I mean the comments that come out of her mouth or her busting at laughing when JJ says I am ready to listen or the one that announces she is farting no matter where she is or who’s lap she is sitting on. She has no filter, which is a lot like me. 


She says she is mini me all the time and she wants to be just like mommy. I love that she feels this way, but I am also nervous. I also laugh because she has to have her hair done and cares about having a cute outfit on all the time. Me on the other hand usually has my hair thrown up and I live in workout clothes. I know there are things about me I don’t like and there are things I could change and do better. What I am learning is to be the version of myself, so she sees that and wants to be the best version of herself.

How am I raising a little firecracker that is as sweet as can be? Isabella has a huge heart. She is super kind, loving, bossy, funny and a diva (remember I said she has to have her done and a cute outfit on). But man, this girl can try my patience. She is stubborn and hard headed. Is she bossy or strong willed and wants to be a leader. She is fearless. You would think with everything she has gone through, there would be some fear. In the beginning there was definitely some fear, but in the past few months she has been fearless. So do I tame her and tell her not to be so fearless. Or do I let her take all her qualities and teach her to conquer the things she wants too and continue to try stuff. 

Do I want to tame her? No I don’t. God created her to be this way and it is my job to raise her the way God wants her to be. Is it easy for me? No it isn’t, she is a little firecracker. I want her to learn to be the best person she can be and that is the person God created her. He is molding her into something amazing and has amazing plans for her. Being fearless can be a good quality to have and boost her confidence. I look at her and gymnastics, and she was a little scared to try it. She went out in the first class and was fearless. This boosted her confidence and she goes out there every week and tries her best. Even though she isn’t the best one out there, she always tries her best and has fun. Isn’t that a great thing to have? How many times as moms, do we do something and not give our best? This is a lesson I needed to be reminded of always doing my best and giving my best.

Being present in her life is huge for my little firecracker. She thrives on quality time and attention. Yes as a mom, I have a million things to do. Sometimes I have to put something on hold and help her with something. Sometimes it is a quick hug and kiss she needs. Maybe she just wants to practice her twirls and I have to take a video of her twirling. Sometimes she just wants to spend time with me baking or playing with dolls. She needs to feel important and loved, not brushed off and saying I am too busy. Being invested in her life is building a bond with her and letting her know she can talk to me about anything. These moments of bonding won’t always be there, but I know they are building a foundation for a better relationship down the road. 

Momma you’ve got this!! I am cheering you on!! Here’s to raising amazing and confident daughters!!????



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