The Journey Out Of Chaos

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Happy New Year! Are you excited for 2024? I always love the beginning of new things, even if they are scary. Like when you get a new pair of shoes or jeans, it always makes your feel special. I mean sometimes doing something scary can be one of the most amazing journeys we go on. 

Last year was a journey for me in so many ways. A journey I wouldn’t trade for anything. A journey that brought me closer to God, in many ways it brought me closer to Jimmy, my family and a journey to know myself better. 

A journey that taught me saying yes to God, is so important. I could think if only I said yes to God sooner than later, I would be further along in this journey. But I also know if I would have said yes two months earlier I wouldn’t have been ready to dive into this new chapter of Billie-Jo’s Kitchen. 


As I took an online course back in the summer, it really got me thinking of what God was calling me to do. I mean for years my life revolved around being in the kitchen. God was calling me to help other moms, but I didn’t listen. Who was I to help other moms? I was a new mom. I remembered the saying God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. That is what He was doing with me. I jumped into motherhood at the age of 48 to three kids. I didn’t get the chance to figure things out while my first child was born and grow with them, while having more kids. Instead I had to learn quickly to be a mom to three kids, yes that is hard. Especially ones that have a lot of trauma and PTSD. But here I am listening to God.


So here I am ready to help you momma…

I want to encourage you.

I want to listen to you.

I want you to persevere on those hard days. 


Am I perfect, no I am far from it. Do I have it all figured out…NO!! But I have God that is amazing and has put me on this journey to help you. So let’s embrace it together and become the best version of ourself. 


So here is me fully jumping into this journey and putting it all out there for you. This journey has me creating courses, systems to help you, encourage you and coaching. My goal is for you to gain more time for your family, have less chaos and find a little time for yourself.  


 If you want to know more and be on the first come, first serve list sign up here. You will get special discounts too. 


So grab my first course that has changed my life and allowed me to gain some time back for my spouse, my family and myself. 

Taking the Chaos out of Meal Planning and Meal Prepping

Here is what I learned, it wasn’t that I need to sleep less, because that is usually not the answer. It was, I needed to see where I could save time without losing time with my family. There are a few things that I changed and that was planning my weeks better. I mean I am the person who thinks I can do 100 things in a day from my to do list, but the truth is I can’t and neither can you. Hard truth I know. I had to learn to say no to things that didn’t serve me. I needed to say yes to myself and truly take care of myself. But how?


Meal Planning and Meal Prepping became my secret weapon in our home. I didn’t need to spend more time in the kitchen, I needed to plan better and spend less time in the kitchen. This was the beginning of me getting a huge piece of my week back, while spending more time with my family.


Don’t get me wrong, it took trial and error to find what really worked. I mean, really really worked. Meal Planning and Meal Prepping is one of our favorite things in our home.


Now I want to help you gain some of that time back you so desperately want and need. Whether it’s being able to spend more time with God, playing a game with your family, working out with your hubby, going on a date with the hubs or snuggling with your children, I am confident this will help you. This has helped me so much and reduced so much stress in my life. 


So I am offering you a special discount on my new course.

Here is what it includes.

  • The Course
  • Controlling the Chaos Workbook Part 1
  • Meal Plan Templates 
  • A completed Meal Plan
  • My daily and Weekly Cleaning Checklist 


So what do you say? 

Let’s Do This!! I know we can control some of the chaos!!

Love From My Kitchen,



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