Unexpected Blessings: Finding Strength and Purpose in Life’s Curveballs

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We got back from vacation and Jimmy was really excited to start the new position on Monday. I was excited to get back to work, because God had given me some clarity and some really good ideas, while we were away. 


Kids had a doctor’s appointment that Monday morning and we went grocery shopping after that. Little did I know another huge curveball was gonna be thrown at us. Funny how God works, after the kids and I got home, I had a freak accident and hurt my foot. See one of things I was really scared about was Jimmy going back to working all the time, because he had to or was needed. His first day at the new position, I texted him and said I think I sprained my ankle. He was in a meeting and as soon as he got out of the meeting he said how and I sent him a picture and he was like go to urgent care, it’s not sprained. It didn’t hurt that much, but I went anyway. I took Isabella and JJ with me. Sure enough it was broken. A pretty straight fracture. 


So many emotions started to go through my head. I knew I was being tested, I am definitely not one to sit still and do nothing. One of my favorite things to do is go for walks and that’s one of the ways I spend time with God and Jimmy. It’s also one of my favorite ways of self care. By the time Jimmy got home, I was a mess. I had been holding in the tears so the kids wouldn’t see them. After the kids went to bed, I lost it. I just started crying 


What was I going to do, being laid up, not being able to do a lot of things. I woke up the next morning, got showered and dressed and I started crying again. But as I read my devotions that morning and spent more time with God. I had a different perspective. God wanted me to focus on resting and giving him my attention throughout the day. I knew by being laid up, I could do a lot of writing. Finish up quite a few things I have been working on. I realized I needed to change my perspective, I even talked about that in my course. Changing my/your perspective changes the outcome. So that’s what I did. Jimmy came home and was like you’re in better spirits and I really was.

When I was changing my perspectives, I thought about the routines/habits we have in place, like morning and evening routines, meal planning and prep. They will keep the family running, so the stress will be minimal to me. It’s great the kids and Jimmy can just look at our checklist and see what needs to be done.

God’s timing is everything. I know that, I don’t always see it right away. 

I know God has a plan for why this happened and I know we can handle it. I’m also excited to see what happens. So stay tuned for some really exciting things headed your way. 




  1. rebecca says:

    Jonah & Paul needed ‘time-outs’ to write :-)
    When you look at Paul’s life a little more closely, you see when/why he is in prison but also how God used him in prison to write to the churches he was mentoring / establishing and the leaders w/in the church. Sounds like God wanted you a ‘time-out’ to write as well – blessings in many ways

    • bakedbybillie says:

      Thanks for sharing that story. It meant a lot and resting and writing is exactly what I’m doing.

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