What Is Productive For Moms?

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How many times have you thought at the end of the day, I wish I was more productive? I pretty much think that a lot, especially the past few weeks. Like I am wondering where the month of February went? I didn’t get done what I wanted to and some things I needed to. This was really beginning to take a toll on me and frustrated me. I had all these ideas in my head, plans and things I wanted to get done in February. If you know me well you know I am a planner and I like to get things done. I am all about making lists and checking things off. I thrive on a schedule and hate when my schedule gets thrown off. It really affects me a lot and not for the good. Even the kids know this about me. 


Mid way through the month I took a step back and thought what needs to change? What did I get done? As mom’s we do a lot and I mean a lot. Most of what we do goes unnoticed and unappreciated. It can be frustrating. It got me thinking even though I didn’t get what I wanted done on my list of things to do. I did get a lot done and my productivity looks different a lot of days. I did lots of homework with the kids. Consoled kids that shed many tears and were sick. I think I had more snuggle time  and quality time with my family. We worked on life things and worked through lots of emotions. One Friday night Jimmy and I went on a date, this was more important than just about anything else I needed to do. 

So I am learning to take a step back when needed from my things to do. I am trying not to over commit myself, because I am queen of that. I try to do it all. I am working on having more flexibility in my schedule. Being more aware of my kids’ needs. I stop and thank God that I can take care of my family, like doing their laundry.  I love to look outside and see the sun setting and being thankful I get to cook my family dinner. It is all about perspective these days and finding the sunshine in everyday.

 I make sure I am taking some time for me and not burning myself out. When I don’t take care of myself, I know my family isn’t getting the best version of myself. My health coach told me to stop looking at my phone about an hour before I go to bed. This was a huge win for me. I have started sleeping better and my 7 hours of sleep is so much better and helping me to set myself up for the day. If you don’t I encourage you to shut your phone about hour before bed and see a difference in your sleep. It is a game changer.

When you think you aren’t productive, stop and think about everything you have done for your family. Because family is so important and we should count it as joy to be able to take care of them.


That’s My Thoughts From My Kitchen ????



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