When Homeschooling Feels Hard

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When Homeschooling Feels Too Hard: Finding Strength in the Struggle

The past couple of months have been rough. If I’m being honest, we’ve only had a handful of good homeschool days—and the bad days have definitely outweighed the good. It’s been emotionally draining and has made me question if homeschooling is still the right decision for our family???

After one especially difficult day, I was ready to throw in the towel. I had had enough. On the way home from the library, I called Jim, feeling completely defeated and on the verge of tears. We ended up getting into a bit of an argument. By the time I got home, I couldn’t even talk. I needed to be alone and cry.

In that quiet, tearful moment, I turned to God. I remembered something I had read in my morning devotions. God brought it back to mind: Am I trying to change who my kids are instead of meeting them where they are? Am I expecting them to learn and respond the way I do? Are we missing some deeper, underlying issues?

That moment hit hard.

Later, I went downstairs, ready to talk. I showed Jim what I had read and shared what God had spoken to my heart. That honest, soul-searching conversation changed everything.

Homeschooling Brings Me to My Knees

There are days when homeschooling brings me straight to my knees—days when I have no choice but to turn it all over to God. On those days, I’ve learned that showing love is the most important thing I can do. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to tell God I’m overwhelmed. And it’s okay to ask for His help.

Shift Your Perspective by Meeting Them Where They Are 🩷

The biggest breakthrough came when I realized I needed to meet my kids where they are, not where I expect them to be. When I slow down, breathe and adjust my expectations, something shifts. I see a difference in them. I see more connection. I see more peace and joy.

When I focus on why we chose to homeschool—more time with our kids, the ability to teach them in ways that work for them, and the freedom to include faith in their education—I remember what really matters. When I adapt my approach to how each child learns best, the good days come more often. Not perfect, but better and I’ll take that.

Look for the Little Wins

Now, I make a point to look for the ways God is showing up—because He always is. Maybe it’s JJ remembering the sound “LE” makes. Maybe it’s Isabella remembering that four quarts equal a gallon. Or Lele getting an A on a language test. Maybe it’s the kids finishing school early or simply a day where Isabella and JJ get along.

These moments matter. They may seem small, but they’re reminders that progress is happening, even on the hard days. And when I pay attention to those little wins, it changes my perspective.

Homeschooling Is Hard, But It’s Worth It ❤️

Yes, homeschooling is hard. There are days when it feels impossible. But the rewards and time spent with my kids—getting to know them better, seeing their lightbulb moments and learning alongside them—outweigh the tough times.

If you’re in a season of struggle with homeschooling, know you’re not alone. Pause. Pray. Breathe. Focus on love and connection. And trust that God is working in the midst of the hard.

You’ve got this, mama. And on the days you feel like you don’t—God’s got you.

Love and Support,


The Simplified Mom

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