One of my favorite cookies from my childhood is Fig Newtons. I am not sure why, maybe because they are not super sweet. I do really like the texture of them. I was asked by Just Jane’s spread to sample some of their products. I was really excited about the Fig jam, because I knew […]

Bar Cookies / Brownies, Blog, Recipes, Snacks

May 10, 2021

Fig Newton Bars

Strawberry season is here in North Carolina and I am so excited. I love fresh strawberries. Like I get a few baskets of them a week, we eat them for snack and I bake with them. So be prepared for lots of recipes with strawberries. I am always looking for new recipes ideas to make […]

Blog, Cookies, Recipes, Snacks

April 29, 2021

Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies

Instant Download!

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