Simplified Living For Busy Moms

Introducing the 

 Are you a busy mom who loves her family but feels like there’s never enough time to enjoy them?  Are you ready to finally ditching the overwhelm and chaos for more peace and joy.

No seriously...

I’m talking about the kind of life where you’re fully present for your family without worrying about your things to do list, enjoying quality time on the weekends or instead of stopping at the grocery store on the way home, you stop at the park.

Simplified Living
for Busy Moms

Here's what I know...

You love being a mom, but some days, it feels like a tornado blew through your house by the time you hit the pillow. Despite the chaos, you’re already an incredible mom. You have wins every day, even if they don’t always feel like it. 

But you beat yourself up because you aren't spending enough time with your hubby, kids and forget about self care. 

Are you exhausted from making all the decisions? Does it feel like everything is on your shoulders? You look around and see nothing but clutter and chaos. You know deep down you need more space—physically, mentally and in your schedule.

Sound familiar?

Shoes scattered everywhere. Dishes piled up. A never-ending laundry mountain. Takeout feels like the only dinner option. And stepping over toys has become a daily workout.

If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone.

It’s time to pause, breathe and get back on track. In this group program we will work together so you don’t have to carry the weight of it all. You will have the support of other moms and cheering you on. Together, we’ll reduce the stress and create routines that work for your home.

Let’s clear the clutter, inside and out and make space for what really matters. You’ve got this—and I’m here to help you thrive.

That means you’re in the right place.

Tell Me More

Just imagine what your home would actually be like:

That reality is completely within your reach inside this group program.

Simplified Living For Busy Moms


Just imagine what that would actually be like:

Waking up to an organized home, where everything has its place and you’re no longer drowning in clutter.
Starting your day with a peaceful routine that gives you time to breathe and focus on YOU before diving into family life.
No longer feeling stressed about cleaning because you’ve mastered simple, effective systems that keep your home tidy — without spending your whole weekend doing chores, because who really wants to do that?
Playing board games with your kids after dinner, stress-free because your home isn’t weighing on your mind.
Finally having the energy and time to take that much-needed date night with your husband.
Enjoying a sunny afternoon at the park with your family instead of rushing to get through a mile-long list of tasks.

This life is possible, and together, we’ll make it happen.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and ready for a change?
Simplified Living for Busy Moms is a group program that will help you break free from the overwhelm and create the calm, peaceful life you crave and deserve. With my step-by-step program, you’ll learn how to simplify your home, routines and mind so you can truly thrive — not just survive — in motherhood.

But instead of just hearing you out, I’m handing you real, practical solutions, that can work in different seasons of life. I’ll show you exactly how to cut through the clutter, take back control of your schedule, and enjoy motherhood without the constant stress.
Here's what you will learn:

Creating Space
Discover practical strategies for decluttering and organizing your home, creating a peaceful and manageable environment. We'll dive into effective methods to streamline your space and make it work for you.

Effective Monthly Meal Planning 
Dive deeper into  meal planning and meal prep tailored to your family’s needs. We develop a monthly meal plan for your family. Learn how to save time, reduce stress and enjoy more organized and enjoyable mealtimes. 

Streamline Routines
Craft simple and effective routines to keep your home running smoothly. We'll work on family responsibility charts and personalized checklists to ensure everyone contributes and stays on track.

Mindset, Balance and Self-Care
Learn how to incorporate self-care into your busy life with practical strategies that recharge and rejuvenate you. By making small, impactful changes, you'll create more time, space, and energy allowing you to show up as your best self and enjoy meaningful moments with your family.


This is what I need

I have a passion for helping moms make small, impactful changes that turn into lasting habits. Now, I’m excited to help you build routines that truly work for your home. I can’t wait to share the tools that transformed my life and guide you in creating the space and balance your family needs. It’s time to say goodbye to chaos and overwhelm—soon, you’ll be mastering meal planning, keeping your home organized, creating space and enjoying more quality time with your family. 

Doesn't a simpler, more peaceful life sound amazing? A life you deserve.

Hello! I'm Billie-Jo,

Yes!!! I wear many hats. I'm a wife, mom, homeschool teacher and business owner. 

My path to motherhood was unique. At 48, God called my husband and me to foster and adopt, and overnight, we became parents to three amazing siblings.

Suddenly, my once calm and organized life turned into complete chaos. I was overwhelmed, stressed out and exhausted, navigating parenthood while dealing with the challenges of perimenopause—talk about a double whammy! I felt like I was drowning in clutter and tripping over shoes  and stepping on legos, with never enough time to breathe, let alone read to my kids at night. I knew something had to change.

I found myself constantly busy, only to feel like I was constantly falling short as a mom, missing out on the kids growing up and dates with my hubby. I realized this wasn’t the life I wanted for any of us and I knew I needed to make real, lasting changes before I reached my breaking point. 

Over time, I developed systems and habits that transformed our home and brought back peace. Now, we’ve created space and balance that have freed us from chaos—and I want to help other moms do the same. I’m here to show you how to reclaim your time, energy, and joy, so you can thrive in your role as a mom. I know the word thrive is thrown around a lot, but in this case I can't think of a better word. Because I want you to be the best version of yourself.

I am ready!

Hello! I'm Billie-Jo

I'm ready!!

You might not realize it, but sometimes, you're in your own head. You know that voice telling you that you can’t do it or that you don’t deserve the life you truly want. It’s holding you back. You might think routines and strategies don’t matter, but they really do—especially when life throws you a curveball.

Let me be honest with you. I can’t tell you how often I realize how much our routines have helped my family. Just recently, we got back from vacation on a Sunday and with a busy week ahead, we made time to meal prep. That Monday Jimmy  started a new job 45 minutes from home, the kids had eye doctor appointments and we had grocery shopping to tackle. We got everything done, but then, about 30 minutes after putting the groceries away, I had a freak accident. Talk about a curveball!

Jimmy was in meetings and didn’t see my message for over an hour. After going to urgent care, it was confirm I broke my fibula. It was a crazy day. But you know what? Because we had our routines in place, everything didn’t fall apart. The kids were able to fix their meals with a little guidance and they knew to check their cleaning checklists to keep the house running smoothly. 

Did I mention my oldest daughter was staying at my mother-in-law’s for three weeks because I couldn’t pick her up? Even with all of this, our routines made everything manageable. Jimmy and the kids were able to step in because we had systems in place that worked.

So maybe the reason you’re not living the life you want is because you don’t know how to create routines and habits that stick. Maybe you’re afraid to start, or maybe you’re unintentionally getting in your own way. I get that.

Together, we’ll create practical solutions like a meal plan that fits your family’s needs and a laundry routine that simplifies your day. You’ll learn strategies to reduce daily stress, feel more in control, and have the accountability to stay on track. We’ll also reclaim precious time without sacrificing sleep, incorporate self-care into your schedule, and build a more organized, peaceful home—all while cutting down on chaos and clutter.

I created this group to help moms like you find real solutions, get back on track, and set you up for lasting success, so you can enjoy more quality time with your family.

Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your contact information to sign up.

Here's How it Works...

Step 01:

Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from me with login instructions.

Step 02:

Log into the program and get ready to simplify your life and home.

Step 03:

If you’re still reading and are at this point, it means you’re seriously having a hard time deciding whether or not Simplified Living
for Busy Moms

is right for you.

Here’s How you can truly know:

  • Simplified living helps cut through the daily chaos and reduces overwhelm
  • You want organized routines and fewer decision-making hassles
  • A simpler, clutter-free home means less distraction and more quality moments
  • It helps you juggle work, home and personal life without feeling like you’re constantly playing catch-up

Simplified Living for busy moms:

  • You're think you don't deserve a better life because you're a hot mess mom (which we really need to get rid of that saying)
  • You're afraid of change, because it can be hard
  • You want a quick fix and are after quick fixes 
  • You thrive in chaos and stress

Simplified Living for busy moms
isn't for you:

If you read through this and you’re STILL unsure...

You are an amazing mom, and your big dreams are meant for you. You already have what it takes—you were made for an incredible life as a mom, not one filled with overwhelm.

But let’s be real—you often feel scattered when it comes to planning your days and weeks. The laundry seems never-ending and the idea of having a system for it sounds like a dream. You want easy ways to keep your home maintained, so instead of feeling behind, you can enjoy afternoons at the park with your kids.

Have the courage to make these changes, even if  you’re unsure where to start and the overwhelm feels paralyzing. Stop letting the fear of failing hold you back and you get stuck in your head about everything. You have the knowledge and together we’ll uncover and implement the strategies that work for you.

So are you ready to Simplify Your Life?

enroll today

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