Ants on a Log

I am always looking for fun ideas for snacks for the kids. It doesn’t matter if they are at school or home, fun snacks are important to the kids. Don’t get me wrong, they love granola bars, yogurt and cheese sticks too. So for one of the snacks  and school snacks, I try to make something for them and I try to make it fun. When things are more fun to eat.

The kids usually get a vegetable in their lunch boxes, but ants on a log is a great snack for school. This is one of JJ’s favorite snacks. He loves celery, add peanut butter and a few chocolate chips and we have a winner. This is one thing I know he will eat.

Usually after I go grocery shopping, we will cut up fruits and veggies. So it makes packing lunches easier. After you cut up celery spread peanut butter or almond butter. Sprinkle a few chocolate chips on top. If you are using all natural peanut butter, make sure you stir the peanut butter very well. All natural peanut butter is a little more oily. I just make sure if I use all natural peanut butter, I put a little less on, so it has room to spread.

Here is to making school lunches easier and more fun!!

Love From My Kitchen ????





  • Celery Stalks about 6
  • ¼-⅓ cup peanut butter or almond butter
  • ¼ cup Chocolate Chips or raisins or both



  1. Wash and cut your celery stalks into 2”-3” slices.
  2. Spread peanut butter or almond butter in the crevices of the celery.
  3. Top with chocolate chips or raisins.
Ready in 5 minutes Serves 4 people


Tips & Recommendations

Hey there!!

I’m Billie, a recipe creator, food photographer, a girl that just loves to be in the kitchen and a travel lover.

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