Cinnamon Maple Bourbon

We have been in our new home for a few weeks and I finally feel like I am getting my grove with recipe creating, blogging and being in my new kitchen. It took me a little bit longer than I thought it would. But I also feel like my house has had a revolving door on it with people coming in to fix things, install things and deliver things.

I decided that the first cocktail I would make in the new year in our new house would be a bourbon drink. Since bourbon is a favorite of ours. This bourbon drink is delicious. It has a hint of maple, cinnamon, orange and rosemary. It just a nice drink to sip on while watching tv.

That’s the Dish from my Kitchen to your Kitchen 💕




  • 2 oz bourbon
  • 1 oz Aperol
  • Juice from a half orange
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • Rosemary
  • Pinch of cinnamon



  1. In a shaker cup add bourbon, Aperol, juice from half an orange, maple syrup and rosemary. Add ice and shake for 30 seconds.
  2. Pour the drink over ice and add a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Top with fresh rosemary and a slice of an orange peel.


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Hey there!!

I’m Billie, a recipe creator, food photographer, a girl that just loves to be in the kitchen and a travel lover.

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