Courage: The Foundation of Confidence

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Does the word “courage” scare you or excite you to try something new? For me, it sparks the desire to be brave and step into something different. Courage isn’t just a word; it’s a powerful tool that leads to confidence—something we all long for. How often do we say, “If only I had more confidence”? I hear it from my kids too: “I don’t have confidence.” My response is simple: of course, you don’t—not yet. Confidence comes from doing, from having the courage to try, even when it’s hard.

Courage has been a constant theme in my life. As a mom, business owner and homeschool teacher, I’ve had to embrace courage daily, whether it was fostering and adopting children with trauma or launching my business. I never started out feeling confident; instead, I leaned into courage and that courage built the confidence I have now. I had zero confidence when we started homeschooling, but I knew it was best for our kids. Now I have some confidence in homeschooling, but I have the courage to keep learning and becoming better at it. 

It’s the lesson I hope to pass on to my children: choose courage every day.

On our recent vacation, I watched my kids practice courage. Whether they were climbing the rock wall on the ship, singing karaoke in front of a crowd or trying new foods, they pushed past their fears. Each time they did, they gained confidence. Lele, who was once too shy to sing in public, now has confidence in front of an audience. Isabella conquered her fear of heights. And they’re learning that courage is the bridge to confidence. JJ gained confidence in being in large crowds and grew so much as a person this week. 


When I was thinking about this vacation, it reminded me how I love helping moms. It’s about having the courage to try something, even if it’s something you tried in the past and it didn’t work out. 

Having courage ties into what I teach moms everyday in my coaching programs: Finding balance and peace in our homes requires courage. It takes courage to try new routines, set boundaries or declutter your space. It’s not about doing things perfectly; it’s about showing up bravely and trying. It took me courage to implement systems into our home. It took me courage to start helping moms. But all these things lead to confidence.

In my program, Simplified Living for Busy Moms, I help moms build the habits and routines that require that same courage. Whether you’re starting a new meal-prepping routine or setting boundaries around your time, it takes stepping into the unknown. But just like my kids learned on vacation, once you do it, the confidence follows.

Group Coaching Program-Joining a group of other moms to share your struggles and learn new ways to manage your home life requires vulnerability and courage. But the result is confidence and balance. You’ll leave feeling empowered, knowing you’re not alone in this journey.


Courage is also key to being still, to listening to God and trusting in His plan. I often remind the moms I work with that setting boundaries, simplifying their lives and finding time for themselves takes courage. It takes courage to say no, to ask for help or to start a new habit that will bring peace into your home. Seriously saying no can be so hard, but once you practice saying no, you will become confident in saying no. But just like my kids learned, with each courageous step, the confidence follows and with confidence comes the ability to truly thrive.

I encourage you to embrace courage in your everyday life. Whether it’s trying a new routine, decluttering a space in your home, or setting a boundary that feels difficult—choose courage. And if you’re ready to start building that confidence and find peace in your home, join me in my coaching program where we take those courageous steps together. Remember, hard things take courage, but the confidence you gain is worth it.

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