We got back from vacation and Jimmy was really excited to start the new position on Monday. I was excited to get back to work, because God had given me some clarity and some really good ideas, while we were away.    Kids had a doctor’s appointment that Monday morning and we went grocery shopping […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage

July 29, 2024

Unexpected Blessings: Finding Strength and Purpose in Life’s Curveballs

I always say God has a funny way of working. Over a week ago I posted a blog about changes. How change can be good and hard, because Jimmy and I have gone through a lot of change in the last 11 months.    What I didn’t know was later that day after I posted […]

Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance

July 26, 2024

Steady Habits, Smooth Transitions: Easing Life Changes with Routine

I bet you have noticed a lot of changes over the last year or so, and I would like to share with you how and why these changes came about. You see Jimmy and I went away together in September, and we were both at a crossroads in our professional lives. Jimmy was being placed […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

July 12, 2024

Change Is A Good Thing

Let’s talk about how kids are so different.    If you remember I said kids are like waffles and spaghetti. All kids are different, which I know you know. Isabella is the opposite of JJ. She is like a plate of spaghetti opposite of JJ being a waffle. He thrives on structure, but then needs […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Organization

January 18, 2024

Clutter or Declutter is the Question

We are a couple weeks into a New Year. What are some things you are set out to do differently this year? I am gonna share with you what I am doing differently and why over the next few weeks. Some of the things I actually started doing in the last few months of 2023. […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Organization

January 10, 2024

Kids and Chaos

Happy New Year! Are you excited for 2024? I always love the beginning of new things, even if they are scary. Like when you get a new pair of shoes or jeans, it always makes your feel special. I mean sometimes doing something scary can be one of the most amazing journeys we go on.  […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

January 3, 2024

The Journey Out Of Chaos

Happy Birthday to Me!! I can’t believe I am 50?!?! Like I am not that old, there is no way. Like I’m in complete shock I’m turning 50. I don’t feel 50 at all. If I am honest, turning 50 is easier for me than turning 40. Turning 40 was so tough for me and […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

November 11, 2023

Life Begins at 50

I am the type of person that loves to have plans or have my days planned out. I plan my days from morning to night, however I do not jam pack my days. Most of my days are usually full from 9ish to 2pm. I like to take advantage of that time and be productive, […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Organization, Org Chaos - Planning

October 23, 2023

Are We Going With The Flow?

I was having a conversation with Jimmy today and it really spoke to me. He said he was worried about me, our family and some other things. It made me think, can we stop worrying?  I think it is hard to stop, but I think we can. What can we do to help stop worrying? […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

September 24, 2023

Can We Stop Worrying?

School is full swing and so are school lunches. I personally love to pack lunches. I definitely get this from my mom. She always packed our lunches growing up and I enjoy doing the same for my kids. When the kids moved in, they wanted me to pack their lunch for school. They were not […]

Blog, Easy, Fall, Family Life - Family Life, Lunch, Org Chaos - Planning, Salad, School Lunch Ideas, Spring, Tips, Winter

August 20, 2023

Fun Ways to Pack School Lunches

Is motherhood supposed to be hard? Have you ever asked yourself that question or ask someone else that question? I have been thinking a lot about that question lately. The last month has been a hard month being a mom, I mean a really hard month. I have gone to bed so many nights questioning […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

June 25, 2023

Motherhood is hard…But worth it

You know the saying: stop and smell the roses. I have been trying to do that lately. In the world we live in, it is hard to do. Everyone is always going, going, going, myself included. When we were on vacation, I brought my camera because I wanted to take a lot of pictures. You […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

April 30, 2023

Let’s Be Present

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