Is motherhood supposed to be hard? Have you ever asked yourself that question or ask someone else that question? I have been thinking a lot about that question lately. The last month has been a hard month being a mom, I mean a really hard month. I have gone to bed so many nights questioning […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

June 25, 2023

Motherhood is hard…But worth it

You know the saying: stop and smell the roses. I have been trying to do that lately. In the world we live in, it is hard to do. Everyone is always going, going, going, myself included. When we were on vacation, I brought my camera because I wanted to take a lot of pictures. You […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

April 30, 2023

Let’s Be Present

In the past few weeks I have really been focusing on encouraging Jimmy and the kids. I think daily encouragement can be a game changer for anyone, including myself. It isn’t always easy to encourage others when things aren’t going the way you hope they go. This was very true of myself and this past […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Motivation

March 26, 2023

Encouragement From The Kitchen

One day last week when I was in the kitchen cleaning up after the kids went to bed I started thinking about how there has been a shift in our home recently. I am happy there has been a shift in our house, I feel like it has been a long time coming. Even though […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life

March 12, 2023

A Shift In Our Household

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