We got back from vacation and Jimmy was really excited to start the new position on Monday. I was excited to get back to work, because God had given me some clarity and some really good ideas, while we were away.    Kids had a doctor’s appointment that Monday morning and we went grocery shopping […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage

July 29, 2024

Unexpected Blessings: Finding Strength and Purpose in Life’s Curveballs

I always say God has a funny way of working. Over a week ago I posted a blog about changes. How change can be good and hard, because Jimmy and I have gone through a lot of change in the last 11 months.    What I didn’t know was later that day after I posted […]

Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance

July 26, 2024

Steady Habits, Smooth Transitions: Easing Life Changes with Routine

I bet you have noticed a lot of changes over the last year or so, and I would like to share with you how and why these changes came about. You see Jimmy and I went away together in September, and we were both at a crossroads in our professional lives. Jimmy was being placed […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

July 12, 2024

Change Is A Good Thing

Happy New Year! Are you excited for 2024? I always love the beginning of new things, even if they are scary. Like when you get a new pair of shoes or jeans, it always makes your feel special. I mean sometimes doing something scary can be one of the most amazing journeys we go on.  […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

January 3, 2024

The Journey Out Of Chaos

I am the type of person that loves to have plans or have my days planned out. I plan my days from morning to night, however I do not jam pack my days. Most of my days are usually full from 9ish to 2pm. I like to take advantage of that time and be productive, […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Organization, Org Chaos - Planning

October 23, 2023

Are We Going With The Flow?

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