The busiest time of the year is almost here, which means for a lot of people, stress. Why do we let stress overcome us so much that we don’t truly enjoy the Holiday season? I mean there are songs that say it is the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year? Have you noticed that Christmas […]

Blog, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

November 3, 2023

10 Things You Can Do Now To Prepare For The Holidays

I am the type of person that loves to have plans or have my days planned out. I plan my days from morning to night, however I do not jam pack my days. Most of my days are usually full from 9ish to 2pm. I like to take advantage of that time and be productive, […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Home Organization and Maintenance, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

October 23, 2023

Are We Going With The Flow?

I was having a conversation with Jimmy today and it really spoke to me. He said he was worried about me, our family and some other things. It made me think, can we stop worrying?  I think it is hard to stop, but I think we can. What can we do to help stop worrying? […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

September 24, 2023

Can We Stop Worrying?

 To me Fall means harvesting and changing. Change is inevitable. However it also means a season of thankfulness.    As I think about this, I can’t help but think how God has worked in my life these past couple weeks. I have cried a lot of tears. I am talking tears of sadness, tears of […]

Blog, Family Life - Marriage, Mom Life - Balance

September 16, 2023

The Fall Harvest

Is motherhood supposed to be hard? Have you ever asked yourself that question or ask someone else that question? I have been thinking a lot about that question lately. The last month has been a hard month being a mom, I mean a really hard month. I have gone to bed so many nights questioning […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Motivation

June 25, 2023

Motherhood is hard…But worth it

Do you ever wonder if you are allowed to be happy or if you are happy? Like I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Let’s say it’s been a rough few weeks since Jimmy had surgery. It has added a lot of extra stress on me worrying about him and taking care of […]

Blog, Mom Life - Balance

May 21, 2023

Do You Choose Happiness?

You know the saying: stop and smell the roses. I have been trying to do that lately. In the world we live in, it is hard to do. Everyone is always going, going, going, myself included. When we were on vacation, I brought my camera because I wanted to take a lot of pictures. You […]

Blog, Family Life - Family Life, Mom Life - Balance, Org Chaos - Planning

April 30, 2023

Let’s Be Present

How many times have you thought at the end of the day, I wish I was more productive? I pretty much think that a lot, especially the past few weeks. Like I am wondering where the month of February went? I didn’t get done what I wanted to and some things I needed to. This […]

Blog, Mom Life - Balance, Mom Life - Health, Org Chaos - Planning

February 26, 2023

What Is Productive For Moms?

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